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Barbara has a variety of psychic powers that can help you understand yourself, your relationships, what holds light for you at your workplace, and where future opportunities hold the brightest light for you. Clairvoyance (seeing), clairsentience (feeling), claircognizance (knowing) and clairaudience (hearing) are among her talents. You are welcome to audio record your readings with her.
Psychic powers run strongly in Barbara’s extended family. She started receiving psychic messages as a young child and although she was taught to ignore it and push it away, and definitely don’t talk about it, it came out in full force in her 30’s. She started reading professionally in 2011.
Barbara knows the importance of one’s spiritual life. She can help you connect with your guides and gods, and find a spiritual path that is right for you even if it is to develop your own path. She holds a Master’s of Pastoral Studies from Loyola University and understands how our familial, traditional and cultural milieu informs and colors our approach to spirituality and beliefs. Having grown up in a home of two religions, she knows that no one path is right for everyone. While religion can be very helpful for some, no religion is needed for living a rich and full spiritual life.
Until her recent retirement, Barbara was an HR professional for many years (holding a degree in HR management). Using her psychic powers along with her HR experience, she can help you work through issues at work or know if this is a good time for a career change. Having changed careers herself a few times, she knows what it means to go through the process!
Let’s explore the opportunities that are waiting for you.