Nature-based spirituality
One of the gifts of a nature-based orientation to life is that we can take small steps, one at a time, to improve our own lives and help the local ecology. We don’t have to overhaul our entire lives, relocate or give up what we really to do like in order to take steps toward a more grounded and fulfilled life. One step at a time….
Fairy Pools on the Isle of Skye, Scotland
Becoming Aware
Nature is very quick and quite eager to receive our attention. As we become aware of our surroundings, nature will let us know that she is aware of us. Nature is always aware of us, of course, for animals and plants depend very much on awareness for their own survival.
Oak leaf mandala
Belonging to a community is a fundamental need we all have. Whether you need to be around people frequently or only intermittently, even rarely, the need to feel like we belong is compelling. But belong to what? To whom?
Breathe deeply and enter through your heart's door, Where Stag and Salmon leap; where Hawk soars o'er the tor; Where Starry Bear journeys from dusk until dawn. Spiral the heavens! Time Untime lingers on.
Befriending the Wild
I’m a city girl, always have been. I live with my husband on a quarter-acre lot in a mid-size town in the midwest. I grew up with the automotive industry supporting my life through my father’s employment, then my husband’s and even my own. It’s been a long road for me to befriend the wild, to deconstruct my cement-and-steel orientation and to discover the wild one waiting for me. And it is so worth the journey.
Grief and Exile
We all have times of grief. Promises or dreams or wishes broken. Mourning the loss of what was, of what we thought would be or what we thought we had is part of life and can’t be avoided. But that is never the end of our story, and we get to write our future. Even when we are subject to circumstances out of our control (and they often are within our control), we have choices.
Statue of Hafren (Sabrina) on the Severn River in Wales.
Healing and Returning to Wholeness
We are never blocked out of moving to wholeness. We are never so far gone that we can’t move into healing and discovering, maybe for the very first time, that we are truly wanted and needed.
Reawaken your deep connection with the earth using thought-provoking exercises, meditations, reflections and stories to unpack the events that greet you on your path. I can help you explore and find meaning in your journey with nature through individual mentoring sessions. Each one-on-one mentor session is $1.00 per minute: $30 for 30 minutes, $60 for an hour, etc. Click the link below to schedule a session.