Wild Spirit Journey: An 8-Month Spiritual Adventure
“A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.” Lao Tzu
Wild Spirit Journey provides a supportive and safe environment that facilitates deep and meaningful conversation with the natural world and with fellow travelers. It is a container that honors each participant’s journey as we enter into and refresh our sacred relationship with Earth and all her beings.
Elements of the Journey include:
Sacred Solo Saunters into the wild. Each saunter (time spent in nature) invitation has a specified purpose, overview, reflection questions and resources for additional exploration. FREE SAMPLE
One-on-one spiritual companionship and guidance. I use deep listening methods and strong intuitive skills to help guide the deepening of your exploration, help you to tune into your own spiritual path’s compass, and help you to heal the spiritual severance from nature that our culture all but forces upon us.
Saunter Circles of community- you are not alone! The circles are small group gatherings to meet like-minded others with whom to share your journey. We engage in facilitated discussions sharing your experiences and hearing others share theirs in a safe environment. Telling our stories is vitally important because they are a way to normalize our sacred relationship with nature. They gently work not only to help us reclaim our deeply spiritual connection with nature, but our stories help others to do the same. These stories are a critical and much needed antidote to the dominant culture’s unabashed negligence in caring for the earth and her resources. In these circles, we create small communities of support for and encouragement of sharing our stories with our wider social circles.
Closing Celebration! A journey should always close with a celebration. We enjoy affirmations and confirmations of our growth with each other and with the earth. A Certificate of Wild Spirit Journey completion symbolizes your commitment to growth and your relationship with nature and all she offers.
Our work together is neither individual counseling nor group psychotherapy, but it will likely be therapeutic in the sense of healing your relationships with Earth, your own inner nature, other humans and the wild earth. Sometimes we might be invited to tender or risky places, even places of previous wounding. We trust the inner discernment of each individual to know when they are resourced enough to take a risk or to choose to set a loving boundary for their own growth and well being. The invitations to saunter are truly invitations, not assignments. YOU are the primary guide for your own path.
You can expect from this program:
Guidance into deeper relationship with the natural world as a spiritual journey
Guidance and invitations to create your own rituals and ceremonies in relationship with the land
Specific invitations, each with a unique purpose, to enter into sacred conversation with the natural world
Ways to address the impact of nature-severance on our spiritual lives
Support as you process your resistance to, fear of, and longing for sacred relationship with the land
Requirements to participate include:
An openness to growing a deeper relationship with nature and her beings
Willingness to engage in one-on-one guide sessions with Barbara and participate in small group gatherings
Ability to spend time out in nature
Ability to connect via Zoom for the Guide sessions and small group gatherings (if not in person)
Time commitment includes:
One one-on-one guide session per month (30-60 minutes each)
Monthly 1-hour small group gatherings (Zoom and/or in-person)
Two outdoor saunters in nature per month (about 60 minutes per saunter)